Welcome To The Fardella Page


This new section for my Fardella cousins all over the earth will start emerging soon.

email: AJ Fardella

Greetings to all Fardellas and descendants of Fardellas. I have started the Fardella Family Genealogy Project Website:

It can be found at :


if you have any trouble with that link the site is also available at:


You must log onto the site to gain access to any of the information in it. To protect all of our privacy you must start using the site by registering first before you can log in. There is a link that says register click on it and fill out the information requested. That will send me an email with a request to approve a new user. I will personally review each application and verify the identity of the applicant. Everyone must agree to the acceptable use policy of the site which basically states that we will all respect each others privacy and not share any of the information.

I have created a few branches for some of the Fardella families I am aware of. When I confirm your registration I will give you permissions for one of these branches or create a new one for your family. If you want name your branch of the tree let me know in the comments window of your registration application.

If you have any questions or want to contact me I am available through email at:






AJ Fardella


PS more Fardella Family news and re-union information will be coming soon. Email me to join the Fardella family mailing list.

U.S. Brevet General
Enrico Fardella 1865


© 2004 Anthony James Fardella II.
All Rights Reserved.